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Updates, news, whatnot...

So it's been a while since I've made a post and a lot of shit has happened in the last month and change, some good and some not so good. I've been working on more photography, but as always I'm terrible about scanning finished product and uploading it anywhere. I've made a few changes to the site (like relinking it to my domain for one) and I'm liking the way they look. It's a more complete version of what it was always supposed to be now.

I won't go into the details of the bad the last several months; lots of personal drama, and in the midst of it all my old 'friend' depression came back to haunt my doorstep. The last several weeks it's been really hard to do anything productive, but I've manage to twist my own arm to do just enough. I've shot more rolls of film than I wanted to, printed more than I've wanted to, and not called off work once even though I could have easily walked away and not looked back till it was too late. At the very least, it seems like it's getting better. I've found silver linings, I've found some perspective, I've self medicated here and there to mitigate against the worst of it, and I'm doing somewhat better. A few more weeks in a positive direction, and I might even be back to 'normal', whatever that is.

As for the good, this year has yielded some of the best photography I've ever done. I haven't printed many of the shots yet (just one, in fact, which appears in Stillness in the newest gallery of model work), but it is on my short list of things to do in the near future while I have access to the school dark room. I got a raise at work that was generous for my efforts at running a troublesome program and getting things finished before anyone thought they would be. I finally figured out how to do a few things with the site that I had in my head for months, but didn't know how to accomplish (namely, Stillness...a gallery of galleries). All in all, things are going pretty well in a lot of ways.

Big goals for this year remain and I'm kind of in a holding pattern until some more things fall into place, but I'm prepping for them. I want to buy a house this year. I want to take the tests required to become an apprentice falconer. Upon buying said house, I want to design and build a mew and weathering area, get it approved by the DNR, and proceed to line up the remaining obstacles to making next winter my first winter as a falconer.

Life is a work in progress, as always. More to follow...

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