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Has it been that long already?

This project has fallen by the wayside a bit. It's not that I haven't intended to keep up with it, I just sort of...haven't. It's not that I haven't been somewhat productive with life though, I just haven't been writing about it or posting photos.

The big news is that I'm going back to school...again. I've learned from past mistakes, and as much as I hate the idea of not even having a shot of graduating with a BS before 2024, at this point it's all that is open to me. I'm hoping to get to a point financially where I can work a part time job and go to school almost full time to bring that date a little closer, but we'll see how it pans out. First up; the classes I walked away from last time both to prove I can take 'em, and to fix my abysmal GPA by overwriting the W's with..well..almost anything.

I had been keeping an eye out for that fork in the road that would have taken me down a different path, but it seems like that wasn't to be. Granted, I never got a definite no, but considering the start date was today and they couldn't even give me a curtesy call to say they went with the other guy, it's a safe bet I didn't get it. Just as well that I had a backup plan and got called back to the warehouse gig I suppose.

I've got a ton of photos from a handful of events and fun stuff over the last month and change, but I need to finish my beer and pass out so I can be up bright and early to slog another day away slinging units...I'll be glad when I'm in a position to be a student first and employed second.

Aside from that, I've been playing a lot more games from my over-bloated Steam inventory, but between games and work I've managed to clean and rearrange my room to get more usable space as well as bringing my art desk back to where it used to live. Now I won't have projects, be they fine art or otherwise, competing for space with my computer and day to day stuff. I can clear the project desk at any time and work on projects, and I've got a long list of those. Multiple ideas for paintings I'd like to take a stab at, mixed media projects I definitely want to do, plus the non-art stuff like overhauling my stereo reciever and an old typewriter. Having it here opens a lot of doors...just have to step through them.

I've been thinking about rearranging the site as well, maybe adding a gallery or something. As it is I just sort of threw this together from a few templates and I've never really been that happy with it, it's just been servicable. For April I'm going to try to get back on the horse as it were and make some updates, along with uploading those photos....until then, sleep awaits.

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